SupplySide Stage: Conscious hiring & fostering the next generation of leadersSupplySide Stage: Conscious hiring & fostering the next generation of leaders
Listen in to the success stories and journeys of natural products companies that are thoughtful in their hiring practices.
November 2, 2022
As companies across the health and nutrition industry strive to stabilize themselves from rapid changes in the economy, demand and supply chain, many in our industry have the opportunity to rebuild their workforce with an eye toward a future that benefits not only their bottom lines, but the industry as a whole. Companies may feel the urgency to hire the first qualified candidate that applies, but those companies that strategically plan their hiring can help ensure they are creating a more inclusive, supported and diverse workforce that will better fit the needs of a wider set of consumers. In this session, we’ll hear the success stories and journeys of natural products companies that are thoughtful in their hiring practices.
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