SPINS: Health & Wellness Products Sales Still GrowingSPINS: Health & Wellness Products Sales Still Growing
January 14, 2002
SPINS: Health & Wellness Products Sales Still Growing
SAN FRANCISCO--Despite the bleak economy and the impact of theSept. 11 attacks on consumer confidence, shoppers are continuing to purchasehealth and wellness products at a fast clip, according to the market researchfirm SPINS (www.spins.com). In September2001, nationwide sales of health and wellness products in conventional retailoutlets grew 21.5 percent vs. the same period a year ago.
"This information clearly shows that for many Americans, these productsare increasingly a necessity, not a luxury," said Paddy Spence, chiefexecutive officer. "In uncertain times, one way shoppers can take controlof their own health and well-being is through the products they consume, andnatural and organic products, as well as dietary supplements, fulfill thatneed."
SPINS, which works with ACNielsen, found that a range of products grewsignificantly in sales. Growth rates compared to September 2000 for severalcategories were: organic milk, 32.0 percent; organic shelf-stable fruits andvegetables, 24.8 percent; non-dairy beverages, 45.4 percent; frozen desserts,42.6 percent; and candy, 53.7 percent.
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