Naturally Proud Network supports LGBTQ+ people in the natural products industry – podcastNaturally Proud Network supports LGBTQ+ people in the natural products industry – podcast
The professional networking group offers a place for visibility and encouragement, says co-founder Ken Seguine, head of Algatech US.
Profession support and networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals in the health and nutrition industry was long overdue when the Naturally Proud Network was launched on LinkedIn in 2017. The group offers LGBTQ+ visibility and sends the important message that it’s OK to be yourself at work, according to Ken Seguine, co-founder, Naturally Proud Network, and head of Algatech US. In this podcast with Sandy Almendarez, editor in chief, Natural Products INSIDER, Seguine discusses the Naturally Proud Network’s origin, goals and future. They cover:
The importance of creating an industry that is open to LGBTQ+ individuals
The Naturally Proud Network’s support of the Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization that provides suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth.
The expansion of the Naturally Proud Network that will include a nonprofit status, a board of directors and local groups.
The Naturally Proud Network is hosting a LGBTQ+ Allies Networking Reception at SupplySide West in Las Vegas on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Mandalay Bay lower level, Tradewinds E.
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