Three-Year Study Shows Promise for Glucosamine in KneeOsteoarthritisThree-Year Study Shows Promise for Glucosamine in KneeOsteoarthritis
November 18, 2002
Three-Year Study Shows Promise for Glucosamine in KneeOsteoarthritis
PRAGUE, Czech Republic--Long-term treatment withglucosamine sulfate has been shown to retard the progression of kneeosteoarthritis, according to research published in the Oct. 14 issue of the Archivesof Internal Medicine (162, 18:2113-23, 2002) ( randomized, double blind study, conducted by researchers from CharlesUniversity, involved 202 patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis whoreceived either oral glucosamine sulfate (1,500 mg/d) or placebo for threeyears.
To determine the progression of knee osteoarthritis, researchersmeasured changes in radiographic minimum joint space width in the medialcompartment of the tibiofemoral joint, and assessed symptoms using the algo-functionalindexes of Lequesne and WOMAC (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities). Atbaseline, the average joint space width was slightly less than 4 mm, andpatients scored less than 9 points on the Lequesne index. After three years,patients taking placebo demonstrated no average change in minimum joint spacewidth, while patients in the placebo group exhibited an average progressivejoint space narrowing of -0.19 mm. As for symptoms of knee osteoarthritis,moderate improvements were experienced in the placebo group, but patients takingglucosamine experienced improvements of 20 percent to 25 percent. Researchersalso noted that treatment safety was good, and there were no differences betweentreatment and placebo.
"We have believed for several years that glucosamine--whenconsumed daily and in proper amounts--offers significant benefits to theconsuming public in preventing cartilage loss," said Gary Jepson, presidentof Riverton, Utah-based Pharmore Ingredients (,a glucosamine manufacturer. "The study also brought up the fact thatconsuming glucosamine before the symptoms of osteoarthritis are seen could bebeneficial for early intervention. While this aspect of the study needs morereview, proactive use of glucosamine will slow the progression of osteoarthritis.While consumers are generally aware of the benefits of glucosamine, our industryneeds to be very proactive in getting this positive news regarding dietarysupplements out to the consumers."
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