SupplySide West podcast: Regulatory women are backbone of nutrition industrySupplySide West podcast: Regulatory women are backbone of nutrition industry
Women that advise on legal and manufacturing matters in a traditionally male role show strength of character
A regulatory consultant in the food and supplement industries must be confident and knowledgeable to navigate the murky waters of laws that are often not black and white. When a woman takes this role, she is acting outside of gender norms in a field dominated by men. In this Healthy Insider podcast, Rena Cohen-First, director of sales, Western Region, The Wright Group, talks with Denise Webster, regulatory consultant, Food Brand Protection, about her career as a Gen X female leader. Sandy Almendarez, editor in chief, INSIDER, shares a bit of the Millennial perspective.
They discuss:
The type of personality it takes to be a regulatory consultant in the food and supplement industries, and Webster’s successful career path;
The perks and flexibility a company can provide to attract female leaders;
Where the next generation of women in the health and nutrition industry can find mentors and solidarity.
Links and resources
Cohen-First will be speaking at the SupplySide Workshop “Boosting Your ROI: Secrets to Business Success,” Thursday, Nov. 8, 9 to 11 a.m. At the workshop, she’ll provide insights she gleaned from conversations like the one on today’s podcast.
Got feedback? Email Sandy at [email protected], or tweet to @NatProdINSIDER using the hashtag #INSIDERPodcast
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