SupplySide West podcast: Regulatory women are backbone of nutrition industrySupplySide West podcast: Regulatory women are backbone of nutrition industry

Women that advise on legal and manufacturing matters in a traditionally male role show strength of character

Sandy Almendarez, VP of Content

October 25, 2018

A regulatory consultant in the food and supplement industries must be confident and knowledgeable to navigate the murky waters of laws that are often not black and white. When a woman takes this role, she is acting outside of gender norms in a field dominated by men. In this Healthy Insider podcast, Rena Cohen-First, director of sales, Western Region, The Wright Group, talks with Denise Webster, regulatory consultant, Food Brand Protection, about her career as a Gen X female leader. Sandy Almendarez, editor in chief, INSIDER, shares a bit of the Millennial perspective.

They discuss:

  • The type of personality it takes to be a regulatory consultant in the food and supplement industries, and Webster’s successful career path;

  • The perks and flexibility a company can provide to attract female leaders;

  • Where the next generation of women in the health and nutrition industry can find mentors and solidarity.

Links and resources

  • Cohen-First will be speaking at the SupplySide Workshop “Boosting Your ROI: Secrets to Business Success,” Thursday, Nov. 8, 9 to 11 a.m. At the workshop, she’ll provide insights she gleaned from conversations like the one on today’s podcast.

Got feedback? Email Sandy at [email protected], or tweet to @NatProdINSIDER using the hashtag #INSIDERPodcast

About the Author

Sandy Almendarez

VP of Content, Informa


• Well-known subject matter expert within the health & nutrition industry with more than 15 years’ experience reporting on natural products.

• She cares a lot about how healthy products are made, where their ingredients are sourced and how they affect human health.

• She knows that it’s the people behind the businesses — their motivations, feelings and emotions — drive industry growth, so that’s where she looks for content opportunities.

Sandy Almendarez is VP of Content for SupplySide and an award-winning journalist. She oversees the editorial and content marketing teams for the B2B media brands SupplySide Supplement Journal and SupplySide Food & Beverage Journal, the education programming for the health and nutrition trade shows SupplySide Connect New Jersey and SupplySide West, the education program SupplySide Fresh for industry newcomers and community engagement across the SupplySide portfolio. She is a seasoned content strategist with a passion for health, good nutrition, sustainability and inclusion. With over 15 years of experience in the health and nutrition industry, Sandy brings a wealth of knowledge to her role as a content-focused business leader. With specialization in topics ranging from product development to content engagement, creative marketing and c-suite decision making, her work is known for its engaging style and its relevance for business leaders in the health and nutrition industry.

In her free time, Sandy loves running, drinking hot tea and watching her two kids grow up. She brews her own “Sandbucha” homemade kombucha; she’s happy to share if you’re ever in Phoenix!


Speaker credentials

Resides in

  • Phoenix, AZ


  • Arizona State University


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