MSM Tested For Hair, NailsMSM Tested For Hair, Nails
August 1, 2000
MSM Tested For Hair, Nails
GREENVILLE,Pa.--A clinical study is underway to determine the effects ofmethyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM), a nutritional supplement that providesbiologically active sulfur, on the growth rate of hair and fingernails.
Dr.Ronald Lawrence, executive director of the Council on Natural Nutrition andauthor of The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain, will conducta six-week study to investigate MSM's personal care benefits. He believes thatMSM shares traits with keratin, a natural compound that has been proven tomaintain hair and nail strength. Previous studies by Lawrence have found thatMSM may offer a non-toxic remedy for arthritis pain and short-term sportsinjuries. The study used Lignisul MSM, provided by Carolwood Corp., the study'ssponsor. For additional information, visit
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